Monday, December 18, 2006

Looking for a Job?

One of the many great aspects of the Working Moms Against Guilt blog is the frequency for which it is updated. So with that said, I'm again looking for additional writers. I'm thinking we could divide and conquer like the working mom's do.

So here is the repeat request from last December: (no stuntbec, you haven't been fired, we just need some help)

Qualifications of the job:

  • Be willing to work for free (we will split the profits if that ever happens- click on advertising, please!- or order your Amazon stuff through our search box on the site)
  • Be willing to write an occasional article
  • Be able to accept occasional criticism from our readers, or a differing opinion
  • Have the courage to edit any article where a mistake is noted (I seldom catch my own mistakes)
  • Can be a mom in the "working outside of the home world", a mom that "stays at home" or someone who would just like to add another perspective

Please email me articles or your request for "full time writing status" at Feel free to submit any articles on any topic. If you are a frequent contributor, you will get your own password to publish- just imagine you too could be a stuntmom! Thanks and happy writing!


Anonymous said...

WMAG does update frequently, but you have to remember, our blog is still in the honeymoon phase. We've only been around for about a month. Your blog is historic compared to us (June 2005--before anyone except your husband and 2 other people even knew what blogs were!) So I applaud you for keeping it up this long, and hope you continue for years to come. Hooray for Stunt Moms!

StuntMom said...

Thanks for the feedback and positive perspective, Susan.

Anonymous said...

Hi stuntmom - stumbled across your sight and found some interesting artcles. BTW- where is your "about us" section? I too am a corporate dropout who chooses to stay home, at least for awhile, though I will never go back to the maniac job I had before.

StuntMom said...

Hey MC Milker, welcome to Stuntmom and the stay at home life. Funny, I often say I will never go back to my crazy corporate life, but I still miss a lot about it. So it's "never say never" for me...but really, I don't know what I want to do when I grow up.

StuntMom said...

I almost forgot, I will update my background info soon. Thanks.