It's a day where three o'clock comes around, naps are over and you can't believe it's more than three hours until bedtime again. Three thirty, I'm starting to gear up for dealing with a long evening. Afternoon caffeine never hurts. Luckily we get a phone call from a friend who asks if they can come over and play for an hour to kill some time before dinner. I'm trilled to pieces and just know having a bit of adult conversation is going to make the evening manageable. So rather than playing for an hour I invite them to dinner. I'm needing a bit of motivation to spark me into motion to cook, so what better reason than dinner guests?
I see my friend and her two kids walking up the street and I meet them at the door to avoid having to listen to the dogs bark endlessly from the door knocker. To my utter shock the two kids arrive with HAMMERS in their hands. These are not plastic kid safe hammers, but the real thing. I have sudden visions of the damage that a kid with a hammer can do in a matter of a seconds when our backs are turned- and usually they are turned when we get together and are deep in conversation. So rather dramatically I request that the hammers stay outside. Their fears of thievery allowed them to stay in the vestibule, but I still wasn't going to allow them in the house, no way. So how can this be a story you are wondering? The evening did end with the hammer hitting our glass front door, but it was a light enough tap to leave the glass standing. But the good thing that came out of it all was that the kids had taken a really great class at Lowes and wanted to show off their new stuff and what they had created.

You are TOO CUTE! Thanks for making my Sunday evening, seeing as I was settling into a bit of the blahs tonight myself. Strange, since the kids are in bed and I only have about 10 things to do to get ready for our Monday morning rush.
You are quite the storyteller. We had SO MUCH fun at your house, I can't even express it in words. For me, walking in on the smells of a homemade dinner and homebaked dessert -- when I had been picturing leftover pizza from our fridge just hours before -- was incomparable. And the sounds of our children laughing together (I THINK that's what I heard...). Miraculous.
Is the glass unchanged by the hammer tap? If there's a scratch or something, do let me do something to compensate. You were SO wise to insist on leaving the hammers at the door. It's great how your maternal instincts have flourished over these years of childrearing.
Thanks for promoting the Lowe's program. I really think it's great. I just checked out the Home Depot equivalent on their website and, to be honest, it doesn't look as good. They say you can join a Home Depot kids workshop between 9 and noon the first Saturday of each month.
Great blog. Thank you so much for sharing.
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